Categories: Data and Analytics Competitor
CHRO3: Looking Five Years Into the Future: The Role of HR in 2022
Event Link Wednesday 05 October 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM Modern technology continues to have a significant impact on business, as well as the role of HR and the challenges facing the HR leader. Organizational knowledge is becoming commoditized and standardized, and often is readily available on the web. And with changing demands and expectations […]
TECH3: The Evolution and Future of HR Analytics Technology
Event Link Thursday 06 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Analytics for HR is no longer a “new” idea, but many organizations still struggle with taking a more analytical approach to HR, talent and workforce management. Don’t miss this chance to hear straight from the individuals responsible for designing, creating and delivering for customers the […]
WFA5: Analytics 2020: Building the Future of HR Insights With Machines and AI
Event Link Thursday 06 October 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are no longer just the domain of advanced software vendors. Leading organizations have used these technologies to gain greater understanding of their products, markets, customers and finances, and are now building teams to approach […]
Mega Session: Discovering the Next Great HR Technology Company
Event Link Tuesday 04 October 03:45 PM – 04:45 PM The HR Tech Conference has long been the best place to discover the latest innovations in the HR technology marketplace. With the recent increased investment, attention and brainpower being focused on the development of new and innovative HR technology solutions, there has never been a […]
Mega Session: The 2nd Annual HR Technology Conference Hackathon
Event Link Thursday 06 October 01:45 PM – 03:00 PM Last year, the first-ever HR Technology Conference Hackathon wowed the audience with the innovative solutions that were designed, developed and demonstrated in less than 48 hours. Once again, this exciting development competition will feature teams of engineers and designers from leading HR technology solution providers, […]
TECH1: The Public Debut of the 19th Annual Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey Findings
Event Link Wednesday 05 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Tomorrow’s HR technology environment will be cloud based, mobile enabled and data driven. However, research shows organizations are taking multiple pathways to transform their own HR system environments, with a mixture of rip and replace, combination, hosted, outsourcing, and hybrid strategies. Facilitated by Stacey Harris, […]
WFA6: Managing Workforce Retention and Identifying High Performers With Predictive Analytics
Event Link Friday 07 October 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM The Anderson Center for Autism, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the highest-quality programs for people with autism, wanted to transform its HR and payroll function, and harmonize its HCM system at the same time. While doing this, its leaders became aware of two issues: […]
BONUS: Awesome New Technologies for HR
Event Link Wednesday 05 October 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM People are still talking about last year’s Awesome New Technology Session. Why? Because it’s where you get to see and hear live product demonstrations of the best new technology from every part of HR that major solution providers have developed in the last year. Innovation […]
Closing Keynote: Taking HR’s Influence to the Next Level With Data Analytics
Event Link Friday 7 October 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM HR now has the opportunity to gain influence as never before; in part, because of the economic trends that make finding and retaining skilled employees critically important, but also because of the need to change the way business operates. Wharton Professor, Peter Cappelli will explore […]
Refreshment Break Friday
Event Link Friday 07 October 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM