TM4: Accurate Ratings and Other Rare Creatures: Effective Use of Performance Management Tech

Event Link Thursday 06 October 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM The words “performance management” and “valuable” rarely appear in the same sentence. But some companies have figured it out. Three senior HR leaders will share examples of how their companies have effectively used performance management technology to drive value for their businesses. These companies have […]

TM2: How Talent Technology Supports Agile Resource Deployment at Team Rubicon

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM Founded in the wake of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that shook Haiti in 2010, Team Rubicon is a nonprofit organization with a two-fold mission: to provide immediate relief when disaster happens, and to provide military veterans with purpose, community and self-worth after leaving active duty. […]

TECH3: The Evolution and Future of HR Analytics Technology

Event Link Thursday 06 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Analytics for HR is no longer a “new” idea, but many organizations still struggle with taking a more analytical approach to HR, talent and workforce management. Don’t miss this chance to hear straight from the individuals responsible for designing, creating and delivering for customers the […]

Visit EXPO

Thursday 06 October 01:45 PM – 03:00 PM

TECH1: The Public Debut of the 19th Annual Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey Findings

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Tomorrow’s HR technology environment will be cloud based, mobile enabled and data driven. However, research shows organizations are taking multiple pathways to transform their own HR system environments, with a mixture of rip and replace, combination, hosted, outsourcing, and hybrid strategies. Facilitated by Stacey Harris, […]

BONUS: Awesome New Technologies for HR

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM People are still talking about last year’s Awesome New Technology Session. Why? Because it’s where you get to see and hear live product demonstrations of the best new technology from every part of HR that major solution providers have developed in the last year. Innovation […]

Closing Keynote: Taking HR’s Influence to the Next Level With Data Analytics

Event Link Friday 7 October 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM HR now has the opportunity to gain influence as never before; in part, because of the economic trends that make finding and retaining skilled employees critically important, but also because of the need to change the way business operates. Wharton Professor, Peter Cappelli will explore […]

General Session: Ideas and Innovators in HR

Event Link Friday 7 October 08:00 AM – 09:15 AM Hear some of the most innovative thinkers share cutting-edge ideas about HR, technology and the workplace. A rapid-fire presentation format will challenge this group of HR leaders, HR tech execs and industry experts to each make their case in only 5 minutes. They could take […]