TM5: American Cancer Society’s Journey to Becoming a Self-Developing Organization

Event Link Friday 07 October 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM The American Cancer Society is built on the passion of their people. While their people bring to work a natural enthusiasm for what they do, ACS recognized the need to keep their 6,000+ geographically dispersed employees and over 2.5 million volunteers engaged, informed and dedicated. […]

WFA4: Leveraging Survey Technology to Drive Workforce Insights at American Express

Event Link Thursday 06 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM In 2015, American Express’ HR team set out to make its employee insight initiatives more successful by making better use of sophisticated technology and tools to provide greater flexibility, visibility and insights to their HR business partners and leaders across business units. The goals were […]

WFA1: Quantifying HR With Advanced HR Analytics

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Organizations that haven’t started to employ HR Analytics are getting left behind by those blazing trails with their efforts —groundbreaking companies that are writing the rules for achieving analytics success and reaping the benefits. HR Magazine’s “2015 HR Trendsetter,” Mark Berry, will discuss the launch […]

REC3: Chat-Based Messaging: KPMG Transforms How It Engages and Hires Top Talent

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 03:30 PM – 04:30 PM Chat-based messaging in a professional setting has exploded in popularity in recent years. But, what you may not know is this technology has already changed the way HR and recruiting organizations engage and interact with talent. KPMG is on the leading edge of this trend […]

I&I2: The Datafication of HR:

Event Link Wednesday 05 October 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM Workforce analytics is now a top priority for most CHROs, yet the successful “Datafication” of an HR organization involves a lot more than just buying technology. It’s also about ensuring your team has the skillset and mindset to graduate from empathy-based to evidence-based HR, and […]

WFA5: Analytics 2020: Building the Future of HR Insights With Machines and AI

Event Link Thursday 06 October 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are no longer just the domain of advanced software vendors. Leading organizations have used these technologies to gain greater understanding of their products, markets, customers and finances, and are now building teams to approach […]

Visit EXPO

Thursday 06 October 01:45 PM – 03:00 PM

Closing Keynote: Taking HR’s Influence to the Next Level With Data Analytics

Event Link Friday 7 October 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM HR now has the opportunity to gain influence as never before; in part, because of the economic trends that make finding and retaining skilled employees critically important, but also because of the need to change the way business operates. Wharton Professor, Peter Cappelli will explore […]

General Session: Ideas and Innovators in HR

Event Link Friday 7 October 08:00 AM – 09:15 AM Hear some of the most innovative thinkers share cutting-edge ideas about HR, technology and the workplace. A rapid-fire presentation format will challenge this group of HR leaders, HR tech execs and industry experts to each make their case in only 5 minutes. They could take […]